Virgil I. Grissom
High School
Class of 1977
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Cheri Bacskay (Glor)
Kelly Bailey (Bentley)
Ronald "Mark" Cain
Jerry Candler
Suzanne "Sue" Carmichael (Seaton)
Ruth Anne Carroll (Goss)
Mary Ellen Crabtree (Wingo)
Kristi Cramer (Martin)
Rebecca "Becky" Crawford (A…)
Meg Daughtry (Mordecal)
Catherine "Cathy" Doyle (Bolding)
James Evans
Rhonda Harr (Anglen)
Ann Helland (Benco)
Kathleen "Kathy" Howard (Richardson)
Diane Jacobus (Sumner)
Connie James (Weaver)
Debra Jessick (Beckman)
Patrick "Pat" Kannapel
Osama "O. " Kheir
Patricia "Patti" Kiessling
Melodee Leath (Boyd)
Billy Luton
Ronald "Ron" Moore
Laura Moses (Sterrett)
Lisa Muller
Theresa "Tina" Schlosser (C…)
Connie Scott (Grindle)
Greg Smith
James Smith
Stephanie Smith (Collins)
Debbie Still (Pettigrew)
Elizabeth "Beth" Tait (Ezell)
Donald "Don" Thomas
Don Tyra
Paul Waligora
Julie Wofford (Malott)